Icons header small text goes here...

Icon Sizes

Icon Sizes

Increase the icon size by using the fa-lg (33% increase), fa-2x, fa-3x, or fa-4x classes.

Example CLASS=""
.fa-android (default)

Rotated & Flipped Icons


Bullet List with Icons

  • List icons (like these)
  • can be used
  • to easily replace
  • default bullets in lists
  • List icons (like these)
  • can be used
  • to easily replace
  • default bullets in lists

Bordered & Pulled Icons

Use a few of the new styles together, and you've got easy pull quotes or a great introductory article image. Or spinning icons for loading and refreshing content. Or fun big icons in multi-line buttons. You can combine all of them in any combination to get lots of new possibilities.

Use a few of the new styles together, and you've got easy pull quotes or a great introductory article image. Or spinning icons for loading and refreshing content. Or fun big icons in multi-line buttons. You can combine all of them in any combination to get lots of new possibilities.

Stacked Icons

fa-twitter on fa-square-o

fa-flag on fa-circle

fa-terminal on fa-square

fa-ban on fa-camera

fa-cog on fa-circle-o

Web Application Icon

File Type Icons

Spinner Icons

Form Control Icons

Text Editor Icons

Video Player Icons

Currency Icons

Directional Icons

Brand Icons

Color Theme
Header Styling
Sidebar Styling
Sidebar Gradient
Content Styling